Visitwork case study
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Advertising Increasing Ad Revenue by 118%

Find out how we boosted client’s revenue by focusing on full funnel with custom audience implementation.

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Company Background is the biggest Croatian bicycle and bike equipment webshop. It was launched by a team behind, the leading fitness portal in Croatia. After years of working to popularize an active and healthy lifestyle, they’ve decided to take a step into the world of cycling and to provide quality service in this activity in Croatia, but also in the region.


Even though the managers at were satisfied with their Google Ads performance (return on investment, cost per purchase), they wanted to increase the volume of transactions (online sales) with an emphasis on maximizing returns from Google Ads campaigns. A general goal was to see better campaign results in terms of number of transactions and revenue, compared to the results the client had already achieved. Primarily, focus was on increasing the number of bicycles sold.


Increase number of transactions from search campaigns

Lower cost per acquisition (CPA)

Improve quality of website visitors


Constant analysis, testing and customization of keywords, ads and audiences were the main guidelines for achieving the set goals. The main method in deciding on the success of the results was the analysis of attribution models, where the focus was placed on the whole path to conversion, and not only on the last step.

Emphasis was placed on analyzing visitors, especially their intentions. Ads were largely tailored to user searches or intentions whether they were searching for bike stores in a particular city, bike category or a model, particular webshop or instructions for bike selection. Individual parts of the ads were therefore adapted to user searches making them more relevant, which led to excellent results (CPC, CTR). Additional focus was placed on analyzing the keywords on which the ads were displayed and excluding irrelevant terms (e.g. used / indoor bikes). All campaign optimization decisions focused on ROI, so the goal was not to show the ad in the first place but to focus on ad positions that had better returns.

Tracking user behaviour across all advertising channels and using this information in Google Ads for optimization was also crucial to the success of the campaign. For the best possible ROI, we’ve increased the bids for users who have already visited the webshop, those who have added the product to the cart and those who have bought on the webshop in the past.

With additional analysis, we’ve noticed that users were significantly less likely to complete purchases made from mobile devices, so we limited the ad frequency for those users.

According to each of the set goals, the results were better than in the same period the previous year. 


The results below are compared to the campaign results from the year before.
Ad revenue YoY
Cost per transaction


If you need more details, we got you covered. We’ve created a whitepaper explaining the specifics and the detailed process of this case study. Leave us your e-mail and we’ll send you a copy right away.