
How to set up a multilingual page?

One of dilemmas many local (non-English) web page owners face, is how to infiltrate other non-local markets. Ok, the first step would be probably to translate the content to the targeted language. In case it is about online selling, you would set foreign currency — and here ends all the things that are clear to everyone and that must be done for you to even think about becoming a part of the global market.

Mario Francesevic 17 years ago
dots dots

One of dilemmas many local (non-English) web page owners face, is how to infiltrate other non-local markets. Ok, the first step would be probably to translate the content to the targeted language. In case it is about online selling, you would set foreign currency — and here ends all the things that are clear to everyone and that must be done for you to even think about becoming a part of the global market.

Dillemmas are:

How to find out which search engines are the leading ones in targeted countries

What do users in certain regions search for, and in what way the search is done?

Duplicated content problem

How to do a proper content localization

How to make a quality link building campaign for certain speaking area

How to brand a product in different countries

To choose paid ads or to try with organic search

As you can see, there are many dilemmas, not trivial at all, and what’s important — they influence the final result…

If you are interested in experts’ opinion, on the 12.02. at 19h webcast will hold a conference on this topic. Lecturer is Chris Sherman (Search Engine Land). For more detailed information as well as registration, follow this link.

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